Madagascar - Playstation 2
Based on the animated film from DreamWorks, Madagascar tells the tale of four animals in New York's Central Park Zoo. You must use the skills of your animal crew (consisting of a lion, zebra, giraffe, and hippo) to overcome a variety of dangerous obstacles. As you meet new characters and battle enemies, you'll develop new skills, such as the stealth crawl, the helicopter spin, and the running barrel. Replay levels to unlock character-specific bonuses and cheats. |
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New: Games are guaranteed to work. Game is brand new and factory sealed. We offer a 2-day return policy after you have received your item to request a return.
Used: Games are guaranteed to work. Disc is in good condition with possible light scratches. Case and cover art are in good condition with possible label scuffing and sticker residue. Booklet and Digital codes may not be included. We offer a 2- day return policy after you have received your item to request a return.
Caseless: Games are guaranteed to work. Discs are in good condition with possible light scratches. Booklet and Digital codes may not be included. We offer a 2- day return policy after you have received your item to request a return.