Village: Big Box
Eggertspiele is happy to announce that the 2012 Kennerspiel winning game from Inka and Markus Brand is finally ready to make an official comeback.
Even more than 10 years after it releases, this game is still recognized for its brilliant and unique mechanism of the passing of time that was introduced with death overtime and generations.
- The Big Box holds all the existing expansions, a completely new expansion, and all the promos ever released
- A brand-new solo mode playable with all different combination of expansions
- Offers upgraded and larger dual- layered player boards, a foldable and dual-layered chronicle book, larger and double-sided board with no overlay needed.
- Features amazing new and colorful artwork by Chris Quilliams and Jacqui Davis
- Village base game
- Village: The Inn Expansion
- Village: Port expansion
- Every promo previously released
- Village: Marriage expansion